Please refer to our new website for updates about the chapter as well as updates from IEC National as well! We will also keep this site updated with all upcoming events we hope to see you at!
The last day of classes for the 2017-2018 academic year is April 26th. IEC WR will be holding a Graduation Reception for our graduating 4th year apprentices on Friday May 4th at 5:30 PM at Rachel’s Restaurant in Austintown. The 4th year apprentices graduating are:
Dominic Donofrio, Enertech Electrical, Inc.
David George, B&J Electric
Jared Hill, Aey Electric
Sam Shonce, KV Electric
All contractors are encouraged to attend! Please let me (Mary Kelly) know if you plan on attending and how many guests in your party by April 20th, via phone (330.629.9810) or email ([email protected]).
Graduating apprentices, please let me know if you plan on bringing any relatives or guests by April 20th as well!
Please note that this will be the final event for our Chapter before our summer break.
In addition to accepting applications on a rolling basis and through our new website, we are also holding 2 public testing and application days: Wednesday April 18th from 5:30-7:30 PM and Saturday April 21st 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM. As always, if anyone could volunteer at these testing dates, it would be greatly appreciated.
Looking forward to next year, please take not that classes will begin the week of September 10, 2018 and commence the week of April 22nd, 2019. All apprentices are strongly encouraged to apply for the IEC Foundation’s Scholarship for next year. The deadline to apply is May 18th, 2018. The scholarship form can be found here (link) as well as in your classrooms. Any apprentice, who wishes to proofread their application with me, set up an appointment via phone call, text or email.
Lastly, I have been engaging in some public outreach in our community. I have had very positive visits with seniors at Mahoning County Career and Technical Center and Lawrence County Career and Technical Center, and the sophomores and juniors at Howland High School. March 15th , I will be representing our apprentice program at Columbiana County Career and Technical Center Career Fair, if you wish to have business cards or anything else representing your company present at our table, please let me know.